Pandemic Legacy Season Two August

Pandemic Legacy Season Two August

Pandemic Legacy Season Two August.jpg

In August a lot is going to change. Maybe this would have happened sooner had we accomplished more already, but we now have a lot to learn!

So to start, we received our perimeter report. Since we had not opened 62 yet, we scratched the box.

We now were instructed to open package 8, but we had to destroy the renewal unrationed event card. We had a new recon report to read along with a LOT of new cards and stickers.

Now we had a lot of doors to open. We had two new stickers to add to the map.

And then we found out about the Hallow Men. There are Hallow Men Gather cards now that we add to the Infection Deck. These are different than plague cubes and supply cubes. They are not impacted by those. When you draw a Hollow Men Gather card from the infection deck, the next card with a city on it gets a Hallow Men added to it. You do nothing else to that city. Well assuming that isn’t the third Hallow Men. If this is the third Hallow Men, you reduce that city’s population by 1 immediately.

And now we find out how this impacts the characters and the end game. If your character leaves a location containing one or more Hallow Men, you are exposed. The key word here is “leaves”. At the end of the game, if a city contains one or more Hallow Men, its population is reduced by 1. If there are both Hallow Men and plague cubes, it is STILL only reduced by 1. There is also a sticker indicated where the Hallow Men cards go until time for them to be played.

And of course we have a Journal Entry and note from the archives.

And another set of doors to open. First we are introduced to monitor action. If you are at a city containing a satellite tower, you can draw the top 4 player cards (epidemics are irrelevant), and then discard the cards in any order in the discard pile. Then you scratch off a box in the frequency scanner and follow its instructions.

And below is the frequency scanner card.

We also received a supplier to add to a character. We picked Han.

Ok, now that we got through ALL of that, below is our board to start with.


I didn’t get a snapshot of the board after the initial infection. Those cities were: Kinshasa, Washington, Paris, Cairo, Lagos, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, and St. Petersburg.

Now time to play!

  • Justin went first. He used a rationed event card and placed 6 supply cubes on Tatooine.

  • Emily - Epidemic: Cairo

  • Brad - Washington plagued

  • Justin - Satellite Tower: Chicago; used Portable Antiviral Lab card; Epidemic: Lima; Washington plagued

  • Emily - Connected Kinshasa to Johannesburg and Dar es Salaam; Washington and London plagued

  • Brittany - used System Wide Production

  • Justin - Searched Kinshasa

  • Emily - used monitor action; she could take one card (see below); the four cards were a rationed event card; produce supplies, San Fransisco, and an Epidemic. She picked the rationed event card.

  • Brittany - Local Production: Lagos

  • Justin - Supply Center: Johannesburg and Kinshasa; used Rationed Event: Extended Time

  • Emily - Searched Frankfurt; Supply Center: Frankfurt; We Won!


We went through the legacy deck and opened two new doors. One had new scars and the other had new character abilities.

Below is the outcome of our plague cubes and supply centers:

  • Los Angeles +1 (4)

  • Washington 0

  • London 0

  • Frankfurt +1 (2)

  • Cairo +1 (7)

  • Lagos +1 (5)

  • Kinshasa +1 (2)

  • Johannesburg +1 (3)

We received 6 production units. We added the soldier to Lando for 2 units. We added foundations to Sao Paulo for 1 unit. And we added a permanent satellite tower to Chicago for 3 units.

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