All tagged Pandemic Legacy Season Two

Pandemic Legacy Season Two October

It has been awhile since I posted about our Pandemic Legacy games. Now that we are all caught up on Christmas, I figured I better finish the series. We only have three months left in the game. Yet I feel like we still had so much to figure out. Follow along on our October game below.

Pandemic Legacy Season Two March

Now that we won February, we were able to move on to March. We had another perimeter report card to read first. Since we had not opened package 67 yet, we scratched the box. It basically just encouraged us where to focus on reckoning first. We scratched the second box to just be nosey, ha!

Pandemic Legacy Season Two Late January

Ok, so we lost the game originally played in January, so now we get to attempt it again. You will see me refer to months as “early” or “late”. If we lose the “early” game, we get one more chance by playing a “late” game. The changes made during the early game still stand, but you get another shot to conquer that month’s objectives before calling it quits and moving on. If you lose, you also get to add 2 more Rationed Event cards. However, if you win, you take away 2 Rationed Event cards for the next game. Since nothing changed other than that, you can see the 6 cards we picked below, and I will dive right into game play! nothing changed other than that, you can see the 6 cards we picked below, and I will dive right into game play!

Pandemic Legacy Season Two Prologue

So what feels like many years ago we started playing the board game Pandemic. It was a great game for us because you work as a team to save the world from a pandemic (ironic into today’s world, right?). Then we started playing Pandemic Legacy. This was an ongoing game that each decision you make effects the outcome of the entire game. Each game is its own “month” and there could be up to 24 games depending on how you play. We then started playing Pandemic Legacy Season Two. It was kind of a backwards version of Pandemic. You can go read all about the actual synopsis of the game here. I took photos during all of our games and kept some notes for you to following along with (if you are even interested). Also, you are going to find SPOILERS throughout all of these posts related to the game. Just beware if you don’t want to know what will happen. And we do make dumb mistakes as the game goes on. Don’t be us, ha!