Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

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This year Thanksgiving was much smaller than years prior thanks to COVID and life in general. We traveled to Memphis to spend time with Brad’s parents for a few days. We also were able to see his brother, sister in law, and nieces at the end of our trip too.

First Melody celebrated Thanksgiving at school. They did not do a big fancy meal or include any family like the past, but they did still dress up and included a small snack for all of the kids.

We spent Thanksgiving Day at Brad’s parents. It was just the 3 of us and his parents this year. We had a fairly laid back day including a lot of cooking, eating, and napping!

Friday we visited with Brad’s brother, sister-in-law, and our nieces for one of our nieces’ third birthday! Again, super small but still a celebration nonetheless.

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