Halloween 2020

Halloween 2020

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We all expected Halloween 2020 to be different and require potentially some creativity. Even with COVID, we found a way to enjoy Halloween with our excited little girl!

Aside from decorating and ordering costumes, the first big Halloween activity was Melody’s Halloween Festival at school. She was also able to wear her costume to dance on the same day. She literally counted down the days and was so excited and had so much fun!

Then we carved a pumpkin. We didn’t go to a fancy, fun pumpkin patch this year, but we did buy large pumpkins from Publix earlier in the week. Of course Melody’s participation was lacking, but she was still so excited about the outcome.

Lastly was Halloween itself. Melody wanted to be Rosie from Rainbow Rangers. She wanted Brad to be Indigo and for me to be Pepper. I opted to just get Brad and I shirts, but I did order a new costume for Melody. She already has one, but she will outgrow it over the next year or so and this new one came with more accessories.


Lydia and her group were Paw Patrol pups this year!

A lot of people opted to participate in Halloween this year, so we did go door to door. Most people had things set up outside so that we could still remain socially distant but have a fun evening of trick or treating.

We even set up a table outside our house with bagged candy on it. We didn’t have quite as many people as I hoped (maybe 30-40), but Melody still had fun.

And she racked up on the candy!

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