Teacher Gifts

Teacher Gifts

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This year I opted for a less “handmade” teacher fits for Melody’s dance and preschool teachers. As you may know, I have become obsessed with Simplified over the last year or so. I bought a bunch of cute Simplified products when I bought my 2020-2021 planner in April earlier this year.

For Melody’s dance teachers, I bought the Simplified mini notebooks. It came in the cellophane bag, and I added the bow.

For the director at Melody’s school, I also got her a mini notebook along with one of the page markers.


For Melody’s teacher, I got her a notepad, mini notebook, page marker, and a gift card to Target.


The homemade gift I did do was treats. Melody and I baked cookies and other sweets to bag and give to all of the teachers at her school on the last day.



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