Melody's Big Girl Bed

Melody's Big Girl Bed

Melody's Big Girl Bed.jpg

After Melody outgrew her crib, we converted her crib into a toddler bed. We intentionally asked for this crib because of its conversion abilities. She would have this crib forever basically. We bought the full size bed conversion kit when we got the crib so that we knew we would have it when the time came to transition her. While we were having no issues with her in her toddler bed, we knew it was a matter of time until she would outgrow it. So in early November, we decide to take the plunge and convert it to a full size bed.

We went on a Saturday and ordered the mattress and box springs. On Sunday Melody and I put it together.


She slept in our bed Sunday night, then the mattress was delivered Monday afternoon. I let her pick out two pair of sheets, while I purchased her comforter and shams from Pottery Barn. Her box springs are much bigger than we anticipated (we just asked for β€œnormal” ones). We have a step stool at the end of her bed, and we may eventually buy a dust ruffle.

She did so good her first night. And she has continued to sleep really well in her bed. She only gets up on the random occasion. I think she really likes all the added space she now has.

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