Mother's Day Bookmark

Mother's Day Bookmark

So this year we obviously have a lot more time at home to do and prepare for things. One thing we do a LOT of are crafts (in case all of my posts these days doesn’t give that away). Well I wanted to do something fun for our mom’s (and myself) for Mother’s Day this year. So I decided to make us all bookmarks! You don’t have to do everything I do for this; I just happen to have a lot of craft supplies, ha!

To start, I printed out a bookmark I made using Pixelmator (you will find a blank template you can print out for yourself at the bottom). I cut it out, then I had Melody write her name on the back with a yellow marker so it wouldn’t bleed through the cardstock. This isn’t required, but I don’t want to forget the way she writes her name at 3! I let her pick 3 colors of paint. All of the painting (except for the “stem/stick”) is done with Melody’s finger print, FYI. So first she made a dot to be the center of the flower using pink. Then she went around the flower using a specific color for me, my mom, and my mother-in-law. Then I had her make the leaves near the bottom. I drew the stick using a q-tip and the green paint.

After it was all dried, I laminated each one. You don’t have to do this, but it will preserve it. I also hole punched the top and added a tassel. Again, not a required step.

And it’s all done!

Here is a template if you would like to do one for your or your family!

Mother's Day Bookmark Blank.jpg
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