Temporary Garage Update

Temporary Garage Update

Temporary Garage Update.jpg

So with all of our quarantine projects started to cause our garage to overflow because everything we decided not to keep ended up here. We already had little space due to all of the things we generally have and our lack of storage and shelving in the new garage.

You can see how junky it all looked before. Our biggest problem areas were the back of our garage where we literally put almost everything. Under all that is a bouncy house, a desk, a Christmas tree, my heat press, numerous door hangers, TONS of things for a future garage sale that we hope we can one day have, and even TVs! We also had a lot of issues on the right side where we store Melody’s outdoor toys and Brad’s lawn equipment. We could never access our actual door to the outside and getting in and out of the passenger doors of my car was never fun.

So below is how it looks now. So we moved quite a few things to the attic that we do not need or use. For instance, that huge Christmas tree and the screens to our windows we moved. We also moved some of her toys to the back porch and made a “toy box” out of an old recycling container. We went through our yard sale pile and got rid things we knew were not even worth keeping for a yard sale. We also redid the only “shelf” which is actually some wall hangings that barely supported our extension cords. That helped a bunch. We also utilized some of our moving bins to hold things like paint. I also put all of our door hangers on one wall. We were able to free up space by the door so that we can now go in and out of it without opening the larger garage door. And we can easily park both cars in the garage with space to get in and out!

We hope to do a better shelving system in the future. And we are also looking at getting a small storage shed of the back yard for our lawn equipment.

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