Chore Chart

Chore Chart

Chore Chart.jpg

A few weeks ago we started a new chore chart with Melody to earn an allowance (we had one two years ago, but it was for learning not money). Brad and I sat down and determined 5 chores that she can currently do but may also need help with learning to perfect. These are not chores we expect her to do daily (for the most part), but we do expect her to do them when we ask her too. If she does them, she gets to put a magnet on her chart for that chore on that day. If she does not do what we ask, I placed a “X” on that slot. This helps us keep track of how well she did throughout the week.

Below you can see her doing some of her chores over the last few weeks. She cleans up her dinner nearly daily unless we are not at home. She helps with dishes often, but not daily because sometimes there just isn’t enough to help with. She helps with only her laundry for now which is only 1-2 times a week. Vacuuming we attempt to do daily, but even that slacks off. Lastly are toys. I try to get her to pick them up a few times a week. Daily would be ideal, but not always feasible.

On Sunday, we analyze the chore chart and determine if she has done enough to get an allowance. She made a money jar a few weeks ago where she keeps all of her money. That includes birthday money, Christmas money, allowance, etc. Right now we give her $5 a week. Then we restart our chart for the week!

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