July Fun

July has been full of a lot of outside time at the pool and mainly inside time beyond that! It has been a hot month compared to the milder temperatures in May and June. We have tried to make the most of the last full month before school starts!
Like I said, we have spent lots of time visiting my parents pool this summer and playing in the backyard!
When inside, we have spent a lot of time in our playroom. Melody is currently loving Barbies and hot wheels.
We have spent time with our friends, Lydia and Dalton. We even stayed the night at their house one night in July.
And while I am not posting weekly about our “unexpected homeschooling”, we are still doing worksheets and crafts 1-2 times a week.
We let Melody create her own character in Animal Crossing, so we have been letting her play almost daily.
Brad’s parents came to visit, and his mom made her dress that she got.
We also started chores and allowance (more on that in a few weeks). We have made lots of Publix trips, started food play, lots of nighttime cuddles, and Melody got her first haircut!