All tagged Pool

Pool Days 2022

We do try and get in as much pool time as possible during the summer. Especially between my parents pool and Melody taking swim lessons. I even bought a super cheap pool this summer for the kids to use some days we didn’t want to drive to my parents.

Pool Days

Summer flew by this year I feel like. I don’t know if it is because it was Melody’s last summer before starting kindergarten or because we tried to fit so much in. But we did try to take advantage of the pool as often as we could!

July Fun

July has been full of a lot of outside time at the pool and mainly inside time beyond that! It has been a hot month compared to the milder temperatures in May and June. We have tried to make the most of the last full month before school starts!

Summer Break 2019

This summer seriously flew by! It didn’t help we spent the first part staging our home to sell. Then the middle selling and buying a home. And at the end we spent it packing and moving. I really had big hopes for our summer, but we didn’t accomplish half of what I thought we would. However, after looking through all these pictures below, I realized we sure did have a lot of fun even during the chaos!

Pool Days

We have spent quite a few days at my mom's pool this summer.  While the temperatures have been fairly hot outside, the pool water has actually been refreshing and not boiling hot like previous summers.

Pool Days

This is the first summer where Melody is actually able to go outside and play.  Last summer, she was too young for sunscreen, and I didn't really want to risk a sunburn on a three month old!  So this summer we have tried to take advantage of my parent's pool.  They live about 45 minutes away, but I was able to go stay with them for a week or so earlier this summer while Brad was on a work trip.  We have also went and visited a few other times.  Melody is definitely a water baby.  She loves to just kick back and relax in her floats.  When you just hold her in the water, she enjoys getting to splash you and herself.  We have even enjoyed the pool with her best friend a few times.  I am sure we will spend a few more times at their pool this summer, and we also plan to buy a small pool for a weekend of fun later this summer when it cools off a bit.  See all of her fun below!