August Fun

August Fun

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August has been one busy month! 

We started the month visiting my dad for his birthday.

Then we traveled to Memphis to visit family before school started back for everyone.

We played video games.

We continued school at home about once a week until real school started back up.

Melody started using her allowance to buy toys and play.

We started food therapy.

I painted Melody’s nails for her first day back to school.

Melody went back to school.

We played outside a lot and visited the pool.

Naps were taken.

We went to Publix.

Melody is learning to brush and dry her hair.


And we are just too darn cute when we sleep and try on mommy’s glasses.

Melody took her first boat ride on Smith Lake.


We celebrated Brad’s birthday (including renting out the entire theater to watch Empire Strikes Back).

Back to School Teacher Gift

Back to School Teacher Gift

Italian Chicken, Potatoes, and Green Beans

Italian Chicken, Potatoes, and Green Beans