All tagged summer break

Pool Days 2022

We do try and get in as much pool time as possible during the summer. Especially between my parents pool and Melody taking swim lessons. I even bought a super cheap pool this summer for the kids to use some days we didn’t want to drive to my parents.

July 2022 Fun

July came and went, and we had a lot of fun soaking up what little summer was left. Melody finished swim lessons; we started getting out old Lego sets to put together; we celebrated the 4th of July; we finished gymnastics for the summer; we celebrated my mom’s birthday; we got shaved ice; Melody got her first planner; we saw Paw Patrol in theaters again; Melody rode the carousel; Melody had her first sleepover at my parents then with her cousins in Memphis; Brad went to his 20th high school reunion; we went to Let’s Play; we went to High Point; and we went to the Kiddie Carnival!

Summer 2022 Bucket List

Like last summer, I made a bucket list for this summer. Last summer was much more special since it was Melody’s last before starting “real” school. This year we have such a short summer, and we want to accomplish so much while enjoying all the little moments as a family. Melody’s teacher emphasized just playing this summer. Read, but play. And that we are trying to do.

Summer Laking

I felt like the summer flew by. And with that, I feel like we didn’t get as much time on the boat as I had hoped. I guess that is life these days though. We did go a few times to Smith Lake, however. Usually when we go, we either camp overnight or at least spend time at the campsite. So you’ll see some of that too. We even got caught in a not so fun storm at the end of the summer.

Pool Days

Summer flew by this year I feel like. I don’t know if it is because it was Melody’s last summer before starting kindergarten or because we tried to fit so much in. But we did try to take advantage of the pool as often as we could!

Beach 2021

Back in June, we took a quick trip to the beach with Brad’s family. We stayed at Gulf Place on 30A in Miramar Beach, Florida. We have never stayed in this specific area, but Brad’s family was familiar with it and had stayed there. We didn’t book the trip until closer due to the uncertainty of Brad’s work travel, so we only were able to get a room for 3 nights. But we made the most of our time there and had a lot of fun!

June Fun

June was much more busy than I expected it to be. Like exhausting level busy. So much so, we declared July no travel month, and I have cut back a lot of activities that involve leaving the house, ha!

Summer Bucket List

With this being the last summer before Melody starts kindergarten, I feel like I really need to make the most of it. I mean while she has been attending school for the last three years, it has only been for 2-3 days a week, 4-6 hours a day, and exceptionally flexible. Well all of the will go out the window in August. I only have 8 or so weeks with my baby before she becomes a big girl (at least in my eyes). So I wanted to really make the most of those 8 weeks. I decided to come up with a bucket list for the summer. We are already so busy (and nearly half way through the summer), so there is a chance we won’t accomplish all the things. But it at least gives me some goals.

Craft Stick Sunshine

If you are looking for a fairly easy craft to do to remind you of the outside while not suffering in the high humidity, this is it, ha! You can improvise with supplies if you don’t have what I used on hand, and it is easy for just about any age to do.

Summer Break 2019

This summer seriously flew by! It didn’t help we spent the first part staging our home to sell. Then the middle selling and buying a home. And at the end we spent it packing and moving. I really had big hopes for our summer, but we didn’t accomplish half of what I thought we would. However, after looking through all these pictures below, I realized we sure did have a lot of fun even during the chaos!

Gymnastics 2019

Melody first started gymnastics last summer. She really didn’t enjoy it, and we opted to not sign her up or the fall and spring last year. I would basically have to force Melody to go from station to station, and it just wasn’t enjoyable at all. Brad wanted to give it another go this summer, so I had him pick a time that he could attend the class with her.

July 4th

This year we decided to keep July 4th low-key. We are in the process of selling our house, and we wanted to spend one last year celebrating in our neighborhood. It also gave us a nice break at home before the chaos of moving begins.