Epcot - October 2021

Epcot - October 2021

We spent our last day at Disney at Epcot. We opted to dedicate the whole day to Epcot. We had briefly considered returning to another park, but realistically staying at Epcot all day allowed us to see both Emily’s group and Rebekah’s group.

First off, I got up early and snagged a Remy boarding group. The process is the same as Rise of the Resistance, but much easier, honestly. I was able to snag it for Emily’s group too.

So once again, we changed our mind on the bus from the hotel. At this point, we had already driven the entire time, and we just felt more comfortable doing so. Our hotel did offer the early entry perk, so we decided to take advantage of it this morning. We had an AMAZING parking spot, and we breezed through security.

There was a separate line for guests with the early entry, so that made it quicker too. We did have to wait for a few minutes at the entrance to Future World East until it officially opened. Once opened, it was like a free-for-all. We went straight to Frozen but found out it was closed. They had no idea when it would re-open. Test Track was also closed. I am not entirely sure why they let us all go that direction and not tell us. So we wasted those extra 30 minutes waiting for something to open.

At 9, we gave up and headed to ride Gran Fiesta Tour. I know they were having some crowding issues in it at one time, so that was a great time to do it. No lines at all.

As we got off, we say Frozen was open, so we walked over to it and literally walked right on. So much so, we walked right on it again. We didn’t attempt a third try because the line was starting to back up.

We finished up around 10, and we debated what to do next. We decided to pretty much separate. We had lunch reservations at 11:35, so we figured we could ride Soarin’ or Living with the Land. But as we started to separate, Test Track literally came back. So we went with Justin and Lydia and rode it. It was around a 35 minute wait, but that included designing the car as well. Melody rode with Justin and Lydia and loved it just like she did back in May. I found the photo adorable of her and Lydia holding hands.

At this point, we truly separated. Justin and Lydia headed to met with Dalton and Emily back in France. And we headed to go to our lunch. As we were walking, I got a notification that our group was called. We ended up risking it and just went to lunch first.

We did snag this picture on our walk. I forgot to get my picture there though as I always try to do.

We got to The Land, washed our hands, and checked in for lunch. We were seated around 11:30, and we had our food within about 10 minutes. The food was amazing as always. But the real treat was Melody LOVED the characters. Back in May, she still wouldn’t take selfies even with the characters. She would have gladly hugged and taken real pictures with them. This truly made the trip for me! We love Garden Grill, so it makes it so much less stressful to know she will not panic with them now.

We finished lunch around 12:30, and we headed to try and ride Remy’s. I did check with a cast member, and they did tell me we could ride it even with the boarding group time being expired. The key is you can’t ride it early, but you can always ride it later. We had about a 30 minute wait until we were on the ride. And I have to be honest, I hated it. It gave me true motion sickness. I mean it was neat, but I would not ride it again. I know a lot of people love it, but not us.

As soon as we finished, we ran into Rebekah’s group in the restroom! We took the girls to watch the Beauty and the Beast Sing-a-long, and the boys went shopping in Japan. Then we snapped some pictures while waiting on the boys and even with the boys. We went to the space under the bridge, and it was completely empty. It allowed the girls to roam free and be with each other for around 15 minutes. They loved it. The boys bought some Japanese headbands, and we snapped some pictures of all of us to send to his mom. I am really happy we got to take a picture and spend some time together.

After that, they headed to their room to rest, and we walked around France and Morocco to meet both Belle and Jasmine. Melody loved this too!

After that, we went and spent around 30 minutes in the maze garden of the UK and let Dalton nap and the girls play. We also listened to some music and just sat in the shade. Around 3:30 we started heading towards The Land. Emily’s group was heading to Magic Kingdom for the evening, and we were going to go ride Living with the Land before it closed. It was empty enough the girls could walk alone some, and we were able to get one last picture of them on this trip.

We got on Living with the Land around 4:10 and rode it several times before it closed at 5.

Brad had a work call to make, so Melody and I snuck over to ride Nemo and let her play in the play area.

Around 5:45 we headed over to Sunshine Seasons to grab dinner. It isn’t my favorite spot, but it was the closest and easiest. Rebekah’s group also met up with us. We wanted to let the girls ride Soarin’ together, so it made the most sense. I didn’t grab pictures of our food, but Brad got the burger, and I got the stir fry. The girls loved getting to eat together. Even if it was just peanut butter sandwiches and watermelon!

Afterwards, we all walked onto Soarin’. We then took a quick break to let Jeff and Rebekah eat at the booth in Mexico. Then we did one last ride with them…Figment. The girls and Rebekah all sat together in one row. Melody was less afraid this time. And the girls got to play for a few minutes in their play area.

We then said goodbye to them. They had planned to watch Harmonious and walk around the World Showcase. We headed to ride Soarin’ one last time just the three of us!

Then we started heading towards Spaceship Earth. It was so beautiful!

Melody was ecstatic the play area was open again. But it was late, so she got to play one game before we left.

We left the park around 9:45, and Melody was passed out by 11. It was really the perfect ending to such a fun trip!

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