Thanksgiving 2021

Thanksgiving 2021

Thanksgiving definitely did not go as planned. This year was my family’s year for Thanksgiving. It would be the first time seeing some of my family in quite a few years (most in two due to COVID). But the day before, Brad came down with strep. Melody and I still were able to visit my parents’ side of the family on Thanksgiving day however.

We started the morning with Mickey waffles. Thanksgiving food wasn’t until 2, so we needed plenty to keep us full.

Then we visited my family at my aunt’s house.

We ended the evening bringing home food for Brad and watch the Ole Miss/Mississippi State game.

Now two days before Thanksgiving we spent it with Emily and Justin’s family. We went to their house and had Thanksgiving food and played board games. The board games have really changed over the last year. Melody and Lydia really wanted to play and get involved. Luckily we convinced them to play their own matching game, ha.

And while things didn’t go as planned, we still have so much to be thankful for. We got to spend quality family time together this week and weekend, and now we are in full Christmas mode!

Grille on Main

Grille on Main

Santa Pictures 2021

Santa Pictures 2021