May Fun

May Fun

May Fun.jpg

May is literally our busiest month of the year! We have anniversaries, birthdays, recitals, graduations, vacations, and holidays! Whew, I am exhausted just thinking about all that we did!

We started off the month going to a Princess Ball.

We baked cookies for her teachers one last time (although I am sure I will be sneaking cookies up to them!).


We spent a lot of time outside enjoying the warmth (even though we had some cold days too).

We experienced our last few carlines.

Melody celebrated her birthday at school and at home!

We celebrated our anniversary.


I celebrated Mother’s Day.


I got to spend sometime at Melody’s school doing field day!

We took Melody to get ice cream after her very last day of school. It is bittersweet that the day before she started preschool for the very first time, we took her to get ice cream at the same place.

Melody had her dance recital.

Melody graduated preschool.

We went to Disney World!

Melody got sick and went to the doctor which resulted in lots of naps.

We took our last picture with our 4 year old!


We went to Bridgestreet and found out the carousel doesn’t operate on weekdays… so we had ice cream.


We went to Disney on Ice.


We visited our cousins.

We had a pool day on Memorial Day!

And fun in between!

Cauliflower Nachos

Cauliflower Nachos

Melody's Preschool Graduation

Melody's Preschool Graduation