Traveling to Disney World May 2021

Traveling to Disney World May 2021

Traveling to Disney World May 2021.jpg

So we headed to our first Disney World trip post-COVID back in May. It was a Sunday evening. We opted to fly due to my dad’s work schedule and the cheap flights. But we were also forced to take whatever time was available. So we flew in late Sunday night. Melody was completely clueless. I was hoping for a fun reveal, but unfortunately it didn’t quite happen the way I had hoped.

So my parents came over around 2 pm that day, and we told Melody then. I plan to do a post later all about the chaos that was involved in the reveal, but in the end she was super excited and backed her airport bag before we headed out around 3.

In true Melody fashion, she fell asleep on the drive to the airport.


But airport check in and security was a breeze as usual at Huntsville Airport. The big negative was the power was out in the food court section which posed a problem for us eating dinner. We had some snacks to keep our hunger at bay until we got to Orlando. Melody was in her element having her phone and headphones.

She also asked to sit with my parents on the flight. We paid to have two seats directly beside each other so that we were for sure sitting with Melody. But we all ended up together.

The flight had bumpy moments but was easy breezy. Wearing a mask the entire time wasn’t bad, and the flight to Orlando wasn’t full. Brad and I actually ended up with the row to ourselves. They did not do drink or snack service due to COVID, but they did sell water if anyone needed it. Most people seemed to follow the rules fairly well. We had a guy behind us that had to be reminded by the flight attendants to wear his mask, but other than that, I didn’t see many issues.

We landed around 7:15 pm, but we had to wait on a gate to open up which took quite a while. By the time we got to a gate, got off the plane, and got our stroller it was almost 8:45.


Unfortunately Magical Express no longer handles your luggage, so we had to collect our luggage before heading to catch the bus. It was of course on the opposite side which made for a fun adventure. We made it to the ME line by 9:15, and we were on the bus 10 minutes later.

We stayed at Pop Century again. We were the first stop, and we made it to the hotel by 10:00 pm. We got our luggage, then we separated. Brad went to get our groceries from bell services, and I went to get in line to get our MagicBands from the front desk. We met back up then ordered dinner from the food court. I will do a whole post on this mobile ordering experience later, but once we got past the first night we had the hang of it. Trying to figure it out at 10 at night wasn’t ideal though. The frustrating part was you could not go into the food court until your food was actually ready. Which I totally get at times, but if we had placed our order, I think we should have been able to go inside and wait. But oh well!


We ate quickly then headed to find our room. We made it to ours around 11:15. Again, I plan to do a whole post about this experience at Pop, but I do like the new room setup as you can see below.

We immediately unpacked as much as we could, took showers, and got our things ready for the next morning before heading to bed!

Disney World May 2021 - Day One

Disney World May 2021 - Day One

Disney 2021 Planning

Disney 2021 Planning