June Fun
June was much more busy than I expected it to be. Like exhausting level busy. So much so, we declared July no travel month, and I have cut back a lot of activities that involve leaving the house, ha!
We started the month finally getting to celebrated Melody’s 5th birthday!
And Melody got a haircut.
We have been practicing being a bit more self sufficient around the house. But now she looks like a teenager, so I may need to cut that stuff out, ha.
Melody napped.
Mommy got pink hair for the summer.
Melody started back at gymnastics. We are hoping it goes better than summers’ past considering this time she is out there without us.
We spent some time outside when it wasn’t raining.
We visited my parents at their house and while camping.
We visited Brad’s family, and we saw family we had not seen since January 2020.
We went to the beach with Brad’s family.
Melody attended one of two preschool camps.
And we did a lot more! School, movies, dance parties, and playdoh fun!
Here is to a slower July!