Melody starts Kindergarten

Melody starts Kindergarten

Melody starts Kindergarten.jpg

As hard as is it for me to believe, Melody started kindergarten last week. It was so bittersweet. I am so excited to see her blossom and grown, and she absolutely loves school. But I can’t help to think about all the things we will now be missing out on with her in elementary school. Then to add fuel to the fire of my sadness, we basically lost a year of getting to go places and do things while we could. I am also going to miss spending more time with that baby of mine. Someone else gets to now experience so many of her new firsts for those 7 hours each day. So much sadness and happiness all rolled into one!

Memory Lane

So lets first go back through memory lane and look at all of my back to school posts during Melody’s preschool years -

Open House

We were very thankful that COVID did not prevent us from getting to have open house at her new elementary school. We were able to meet her teacher, explore her school, and find out all of the ends and outs. Here are a few pictures from that evening.

Last Day of Summer

So we wanted Melody’s last day before school started to be as special as it could be. The kindergartners are phased in, so she did not start until Friday while all of the other grades started Wednesday. That meant crowds were fairly low on Thursday at all the places Melody wanted to go. We started out with Let’s Play. We love going there, and I suspect the crowds will still be lower if we were to go after school. But I am certain it will be busy on the weekends and during holidays/breaks.

After lunch, we headed to High Point Climbing. This is our second visit in a month. We were literally the only people in the kid area for about 2 hours. The last hour or two we had maybe a handful of people in and out. Melody had a lot of fun here, and I even climbed on this trip. Melody did have a few moments full of fear when she got stuck at the top of the “city”, but she eventually overcame those fears.

And at the end of the day, we had dinner at Red Robin followed by a few rides on the carousel. Melody got Brad to ride the teacup one of the times, and he ended up sick, as you can see. Melody also got her a cookie on the way home.

And to end the night, we got all of our bags ready along with our back to school sign. Then we took a few last selfies before we had an official kindergartner.

Melody got to pick her breakfast which were powdered donuts!


Then we took our back to school pictures! I tried something new. I had Melody write her name on a marker board. I plan to take every year so that I can see how her signature progresses.

Thankfully we got to walk Melody in to her classroom since it was the very first day. She was so excited!


We picked up Melody after school and surprised her with a trip to Zen Beri for frozen yogurt. It is one of her favorites.

Melody had the very best day and was so excited to go back on Monday. I really hope her enthusiasm continues throughout this school year. We even ended up with this sweet handprint.

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