All tagged Melody starts Kindergarten

Melody's Last Day of Kindergarten

Honestly, I do not know how we got here so fast. I mean check out this post of her first day! The last month of school flew by. We had book fairs, lunches, kite day, field day, and kindergarten celebration (I may be missing a few things too!). Luckily I was able to be there for all of it and see her experience so much that last month. She truly grew up so much this year. Not just physically, but she has learned so much and gained so much confidence along the way. Below are pictures from her graduation celebration and her very last day of school. I will miss her teacher so much, but I can’t wait to see what her future holds! Bring on 1st grade!

Melody starts Kindergarten

As hard as is it for me to believe, Melody started kindergarten last week. It was so bittersweet. I am so excited to see her blossom and grown, and she absolutely loves school. But I can’t help to think about all the things we will now be missing out on with her in elementary school. Then to add fuel to the fire of my sadness, we basically lost a year of getting to go places and do things while we could. I am also going to miss spending more time with that baby of mine. Someone else gets to now experience so many of her new firsts for those 7 hours each day. So much sadness and happiness all rolled into one!