Brad is 38!

Brad is 38!

Brad is 38!.jpg

Brad turned 38 back in August, but we were just able to celebrate with him earlier this week. Melody had a Mickey themed picked out for him way back in May, and she has kept it a secret the entire time! She may have went a little overboard, but since he wasn’t home for his actual birthday, I felt like it was worth it!

So on his actual birthday, I had ordered him some cupcakes in his Walmart delivery, and we FaceTimed him. He had to work that day, so we talked to him early that morning, then later that evening while he celebrated with his cupcake.

Like I mentioned above, we did go slightly overboard on the decor. We have three different banners. One set I found on Amazon and the picture one was from Party City. I printed pictures of us from Disney World to add to it. We also found lots of other decor from Party City that included party hats, party cups, a small piñata, some other table decor. I found straws and noise makers from Amazon too. I already had the plates and napkins from previous Disney parties. What made Melody decide a Mickey party was this cake. She saw it at Publix and knew it was what she wanted for his party.

I think Brad was surprised!


Even though his birthday celebration was delayed, I think he had such a fun day with us after the fact!

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