All tagged Birthday

Unicorn Birthday Cake

Melody’s wanted her 7th birthday party to be unicorn themed. She had it planned for awhile, and she even knew exactly what she wanted her cake to look like. She apparently watched a video on YouTube Kids where they decorated cakes, and she saw one she wanted. I wasn’t sure how I was going to do this, and my backup was to just use Publix. I knew they had a unicorn cake even if it wasn’t the “right” one. Well I talked with my cousin at Easter, and she apparently was starting a bakery. Melody was telling her all about the cake she wanted, and my cousin said she would love to make it! Her instagram handle is @bluebirdbakeryelkmont if you want to see her work!

Unicorn Birthday Wooden Number

The theme for Melody’s 7th birthday party was unicorns. For some of her birthdays in the past, I would make wooden numbers fit for the theme. Well she got disappointed the first year I missed doing that. So now I can’t forget. I let her completely design it this year. It really made it hard for me to step back and do that, but she really wanted to. She painted it herself, and I simply glued on the unicorn horn. The idea is the back of the seven is the tail. I am not entirely sure you can see it, but that is what she was going for!

Doc McStuffins Party Planning

For Melody’s 6th birthday party, I made a LOT of lists to help me keep up with all the things. Lists sometimes are my best friend, and when it comes to planning an event, they are super helpful. My lists vary from what is needed on each table, general decor, what is needed for each item (think invites, favors, etc.), and to do lists. My to do lists are done in two steps. One - I make a general list. Two - I take said list and organize it by ideal date that it needs to be completed. This then gives me a good idea on how I am going to complete all the things.

Cheerville Party Place

Yes, it is January, and I am still posting about Melody’s 6th birthday party from back in May. I am super behind on posting all kinds of content. Such is the season of life I am in! So for Melody’s birthday, we decided to have it somewhere new. We always have it at home, but Melody did not want that. It was probably a good thing since she wanted to invite her entire class. Through another blog, I found a place called Cheerville Party Place. The price is a steal, the location is good, and you can have an unlimited number of guests which is ideal.

G.I. Joe Logo Banner

For Brad’s birthday this year, Melody wanted us to do a G.I. Joe themed party. Now this party is just for the 3 of us, but I still go all out. I decided to make a G.I. Joe logo banner to hang between our sconces. It was not too hard using black, white, blue, and red cardstock. I found the font online for free, and simply recreated it!

GI Joe Cake Topper

For Brad’s birthday, Melody wanted to do a GI Joe themed birthday. I was torn on how to handle his cake since you cannot really find old school GI Joe cakes at Publix. I honestly am not even sure if the newer GI Joe movies are even represented at Publix. But we wanted old school 100%. So after some research, I noticed they had a camo cake. It was not exactly how I wanted, but after some talking with the bakery, they were able to do exactly what I wanted. A round camouflaged cake with nothing extra about it. Then I made a topper using cardstock. The topper was three levels. Each level looked like the GI Joe logo and read Happy, Birthday, Daddy. I used toothpicks and wooden skewers taped to the back to keep it in place. It was perfect!

DIY Backdrop

We had Melody’s 6th birthday party at a local gymnastics/cheer gym. I wasn’t entirely sure how I could really decorate the walls or how much time I would have to decorate them and also look pretty. I had seen a fellow local mom who made a backdrop to help with her decor at the same location. So I decided to make my own myself. I don’t love it, but it works for now. I plan to make it out of thicker PVC pipe in the future. It is just a little bit too floppy for me.

Doc McStuffins Birthday Shirt

For Melody’s 6th birthday party, I originally bought her an adorable Doc McStuffins dress to wear. However, they only had it in a size 7, and I was really hoping it would work. But it did not. It was just way too big. Especially since we were having her party at a very active place. So last minute, I opted to make her a shirt. I happened to have a blank purple shirt of hers along with some pink vinyl. I think used the tracing tool in Silhouette to trace the characters from Doc McStuffins. Then I added her name to it. I decided to keep her age off of it so that she could wear it anytime!

Brad is 39!

This year Brad was able to celebrate his 39th birthday at home with us unlike last year! Melody picked out the theme for his birthday back in February. She picked G.I. Joe. Her love for G.I. Joe has really grown over the last year, so she had fun with the theme.

Doc McStuffins Cupcake Toppers

Instead of doing a cake for Melody’s birthday party, I did cupcakes. I did this for a few reasons. One, I do not have to cut a cake this way. It is one less thing I have to plan for. Two, even before COVID, it made me feel better to have her blow out a candle on a single cupcake vs an entire cake that people will be eating. Three, it is generally cheaper. And four, it makes it easier to give out cupcakes (or this time around we already had plates made), rather than cut pieces of cake to hand out. I always pick colors that match the theme of the party, but I also add some form of cupcake toppers. I decided to make easy ones this time around.

American Girl Birthday Party

Back in June, we visited the American Girl store in Franklin, TN to celebrate both Melody and my niece’s birthdays. Their birthdays are one year apart but two dates apart (May 25 vs May 27). So this was their birthday present from my mother in law. I recently wrote a post all about our hotel experience of this trip. Now I want to share the party part.

Doc McStuffins Party Favors

I went back and forth on what favors I was going to do for Melody’s 6th birthday party which was Doc McStuffins themed. I wanted to do Hershey kisses since they are Melody’s favorites. The thought was “Kisses for your Boo Boos”. But I found some Doc McStuffin stickers, and I decided to expand the idea.