Melody's First Trip to the ER

Melody's First Trip to the ER

On Christmas Eve, we spent the majority of the day at the ER with Melody. It was her first visit. You can see a little bit about it below.

So back about a year ago, Melody started having some stomach aches. They usually happened when she was slightly constipated. So her doctor had us just monitor it and treat the constipation.

In October the pain increased to slightly more often.

Then in December it became much worse. It made her sick while at dance. We visited her doctor who gave her medicine to treat a possibly ulcer or heartburn. However that did not help and her pain got worse.

The Wednesday before Christmas, she was in a lot of pain again. She threw up and had a lot of diarrhea (TMI I am sure). The doctor said she was likely not contagious and to keep with our treatment plan.

By Christmas Eve she was really sick. So sick she asked to see her doctor. Her doctor basically told us with the holiday, it would be best to go to the ER for quicker answer.

So that is how our first ER visit came about. They had us in a room within just a few minutes of being there it seemed like. They ran a lot of tests and gave her a lot of fluids. After about 5-6 hours, they let us go home and enjoy was time was left on Christmas Eve.

A few treats did come from her visit. Santa visited while there and she picked out a yo-yo as her present. And they also gave her this really adorable stuffed animal that she still sleeps with today.

We still don’t really have answers yet. She is set to eventually have an upper endoscopy done that will hopefully tell us what is going on. We did try going gluten free for awhile, but as you may recall, she has food issues and she basically stopped eating when we did that.

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