February 2022 Fun
We had a small glimpse of spring in February, Brad traveled, Melody had surgery, we had a death in the family, and carline continued!
Melody had her very first surgery in early February. The surgery was originally planned in January, but we had COVID. While having COVID was not fun, I am thankful Brad was able to be there for Melody’s surgery (he was out of town most of January). She simply had an upper endoscopy, and thankfully all went well.
We had many carlines.
Unfortunately, my grandpa died earlier in February. While he was almost 80, we were still super saddened and surprised by his death. Below was him and me at my wedding in 2013. I am so thankful for the memories we have with him.
Gymnastics is still going strong.
We watched the Super Bowl.
We celebrated Valentine’s Day and my birthday.
Melody completed two 100 puzzles at school. They get a certificate and a toy for each 100 puzzle. Melody was supper excited.
Melody finally got to spend her Christmas gift cards for Build A Bear. She built a little puppy and named him Hearty.
Brad drove to carline one afternoon. He broke out the CDs.
We played outside, built Legos, went out to eat, and celebrated Twosday.
Melody had dance pictures made.
Since my grandpa’s passing, we have spent a great deal of time with my extended family. We have been at his house prepping for an estate sale. Since Brad was gone at the end of February, we spent that time at my parents too.