Dance Pictures 2022

Dance Pictures 2022

When it came to dance pictures this year, I took a different approach than years’ past. I decided to pay someone to do her hair and makeup. That is the worst part for me. It always ends up in tears. Now seeing this was a few months ago, I am actually confident in her makeup now, but the hair, not so much. But I am really happy with the way her pictures turned out this year.

We went to her usual hair stylist and had her do her bun and makeup. Melody loved it!

We took a few candid shots to have before receiving our final pictures. Everyone was too cute! Our original costumes did not come in on time due to covid. But I loved these navy costumes they got instead. They were so different than costumes in the past!

And here are her final pictures! The best yet.

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End of Year Student Gifts

Teacher Gifts

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