All tagged Dance 2022

Dance Fall 2022

It is hard to believe we have already finished half of our dance year already. We have already received our dance recital costumes too! Melody is taking combo class that includes ballet, tap, and some jazz. She is getting to have her favorite teacher one more year. Next year she will have to pick a speciality. She had a fun semester dancing away!

Dance Recital 2022

It’s hard to believe Melody just finished her FOURTH dance recital a little over a month ago. I feel like it was just last year we were walking in that 2 year old for her first dance class, and here we are four years later. Even though this is our fourth recital, we have only had one real recital prior to this year. The prior two years were not full recitals due to COVID (I’ll share each of those posts at the bottom). So this is the first year we are back to normal.

Dance Pictures 2022

When it came to dance pictures this year, I took a different approach than years’ past. I decided to pay someone to do her hair and makeup. That is the worst part for me. It always ends up in tears. Now seeing this was a few months ago, I am actually confident in her makeup now, but the hair, not so much. But I am really happy with the way her pictures turned out this year.