April 2022 Carnival Cruise Day Five

April 2022 Carnival Cruise Day Five

Now comes the last day of our cruise back in April 2022. It is hard to really even classify this as a day since we were literally off the cruise ship before 7 am. But I still wanted to share a bit about how that day went.

So we made a mistake, and we spent our last night on the cruise ship having drinks and up late. That made for quite the rough morning. We had priority departure since we were suite guests, so we left and were downstairs in the holding area before 7 am. I did grab some pictures off our balcony before heading down.

Getting off the boat was easy and fairly flawless, well except for my luggage wheel deciding to break. But we literally were able to walk right off since we decided to just carry our own luggage.

The drive was tough. We were both so exhausted, so we had to switch up often. But we made it to my parents house where Brad and Melody picked me up. And once I got home, Melody had surprised me with a welcome home banner she made. She was so excited, as was I!

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