My 37th Birthday

My 37th Birthday

A few weeks ago, I celebrated my 37th birthday. Honestly, there were moments of the last year that I thought I was already 37, ha. But regardless of my age we had fun celebrating!

Melody made sure we took a picture the night before. This is my last picture as a 36 year old!

Brad went and got me Jack’s for breakfast, but I didn’t get any pictures of it. Then for lunch we went to one of my favorite sushi spots, Fulin. It has been so long since Brad and I have went there since there isn’t much for Melody to eat there. It was SO yummy. The lady was sweet and even brought me cheesecake to go.

For dinner, we went to The Cheesecake Factory. It was delicious as always! They didn’t sing, but they did bring me a little ice cream sundae. We got our cheesecake to go.

Once we got home, we celebrated with cake and gifts! My mom even came over to celebrate as well. It was the perfect ending to a new year!

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