All tagged Bananas

Easter Bunny Pancakes

I saw a picture of these cute Easter bunny pancakes online a few weeks ago, and I decided to try making them myself! I used our trusty old Bisquick pancake recipe and our pancake pen to make the perfect shapes!  

Bananas with Caramel

This week's recipe comes from The Biggest Loser's Family Cookbook.  Walmart carries this cookbook as do many other retailers.  I don't use this cookbook enough, but it really does have some great recipes in it.  I am trying to eat healthier, and after dinner one night, I was still slightly hungry.  Instead of over-indulging with chips, ice cream, or chocolate, I fixed my sweet tooth with the Bananas and Caramel recipe.  It is really, really simple and is fairly healthy (although you could swap out the caramel I used for some fat-free or sugar-free kinds).