All tagged Cauliflower

Bang Bang Cauliflower

So I love bang bang shrimp, and I love cauliflower. And while I do not like cooked cauliflower, I found that roasting cauliflower isn’t so bad. So I found this recipe online and gave it a try. It is really good, and so good I may try it with chicken or shrimp in the future too!

Cauliflower Tater Tots

So I was trying to find a way to get Melody to eat vegetables.  That is truly a struggle of mine.  She loves french fries, tater tots, and any other form of potato.  I decided to try and make a fake tater tot.  I saw on the Today Show where people use cauliflower a lot, so I decided to give it a go.  I found an easy recipe online and attempted it.  Of course, Melody didn't fall for it.  She did eat one, but no more.  Brad said it tasted like real tater tots to him.  I however didn't care for it.  Normally I wouldn't share recipes I didn't care for, but since Brad liked it, I decided to share it anyway.