All tagged Halloween Happy

Halloween 2023

Halloween this year was a bit different since Brad was traveling for work and missed it. He did carve pumpkins right before leaving as well as going to the pumpkin patch with us. But this year Melody picked Princess Leia as her costume of choice making it extra hard not having her Star Wars loving daddy there.

Halloween Happy 2021

October has been quite the busy month, and it has yet to slow down. But I finally have some time to sit down and blog again! One of the many things I have thrown together is Melody’s annual Halloween happy. I try and give it to her on October 1st. This year I got her a Pete the Cat book, Halloween puzzle, glow stick set, and some Halloween pajamas that matches my pair.

Halloween Happy

It is hard to believe it is already October, and we are thinking about Halloween. But here we are. Like previous years, I threw together a Halloween Happy for Melody. We have not been getting out as much, so I didn’t get as many things from the Target Dollar Spot was previous years, but I was able to snag a few things a few weeks back, and I ordered the rest on Amazon.

Halloween Happy

I made Melody another Halloween happy this year. I only did 3 things this year, and they were things I would do even if I didn’t consider them “happys“. First I bought her a cute pair of Halloween themed pajamas. I bought a 3T so that they would also fit next year (although I am not biased to holidays throughout the year…meaning she wears Halloween pajamas even at Easter). I also bought her a new book called Never Touch a Spider. She loves this series of book because of all the things to touch. However, this book is kind of weird compared to the others, but she doesn’t know the difference! Lastly I bought her a small pumpkin to paint from the Target dollar section. I plan on her painting this week since it is Fall Break for dance and school.