All tagged Melody is Four

3D Snowflake Banner

For Melody’s Frozen birthday party, we focused a lot on snowflakes. This worked well because I was able to find a lot on clearance after Christmas, and it was fitting for Frozen too. One of the things I had Brad make using his 3D printer was a snowflake banner. He used white filament (we had clear but that was a disaster that I will explain when I tell you all about the favors). I had him use two different size snowflakes for variety. The big issue we had was the twine. The holes in the snowflakes where too small for the twine I had. I ended up using sewing thread which was far from ideal but it worked for the party. The banner was cute and added a little touch to our living room since we had no other party decor in there.

Frozen Birthday Party

For Melody’s 4th birthday party, she wanted it to be Elsa themed. Instead of only focusing on Elsa, I did focus on snowflakes, blue, and other Frozen things we could find. I had grand plans for this party, but then COVID-19 hit. She originally wanted to invite her entire preschool class. But then school was cancelled, and even if I wanted to, it would be near impossible to get in contact with all of them. We also had trouble determining a date that we felt comfortable even seeing family for a party. We opted to keep the party dramatically small and only had immediate family and her best friend there. And we did it the weekend after her birthday. We decided this about 2 weeks before, but since I had already did so much planning, and I only needed to make 4 invitations, that part was easy. So follow along to my smallish Frozen party :)

Melody is Four!

On Monday, Melody turned FOUR! It’s so hard to believe how fast four came. She is the sweetest, kindest, most caring little girl. She is growing into the most precious little girl. For her actual birthday, she wanted everything unicorn. She picked out a unicorn cake from Publix, and we bought unicorn plates, napkins, banners, hats and balloon. We kept her actual birthday small. It was just us and my parents. We plan to have a small birthday party this weekend for immediate family. She had the best day full of all of her favorite things (donuts, Animal Crossing, and pizza!). She was spoiled with lots of fun gifts, and she played until her little heart was content. Happy Birthday, Melody!