Frozen Birthday Party

Frozen Birthday Party

For Melody’s 4th birthday party, she wanted it to be Elsa themed. Instead of only focusing on Elsa, I did focus on snowflakes, blue, and other Frozen things we could find. I had grand plans for this party, but then COVID-19 hit. She originally wanted to invite her entire preschool class. But then school was cancelled, and even if I wanted to, it would be near impossible to get in contact with all of them. We also had trouble determining a date that we felt comfortable even seeing family for a party. We opted to keep the party dramatically small and only had immediate family and her best friend there. And we did it the weekend after her birthday. We decided this about 2 weeks before, but since I had already did so much planning, and I only needed to make 4 invitations, that part was easy. So follow along to my smallish Frozen party :)

So to start, I did keep it small even though it may not look it, ha! We only invited our parents, our siblings, and her best friend. Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture of her with her best friend or with my brother-in-law’s group. I kind of felt rush doing the pictures simply because Melody was ready to get outside and play, so I just got what I got, ha!

I will go into more of the details in future posts, but I want to still share all of the decor and such. Most of the decor that I purchased was done so after Christmas. I was able to find things fairly cheap on clearance that had all the colors and snowflakes I wanted. Most of the food I found at Publix during BOGO sales. I had planned to do an Elsa doll cake, but Melody vetoed it. Plus the work just wasn’t worth it. We had a lot going on that week, and I really didn’t need the added stress. So we ordered cupcakes from Publix instead. To save more money, most of the Frozen decor was used from Melody’s stash of toys. I also displayed pictures of her with Elsa and Anna from our Disney trips. Even our paper products were mostly solid colors that went with the theme with the exception of a set of Frozen napkins I bought. Brad did use his 3D printer to help with party favors and a banner for our fireplace. And lastly, we ordered Domino’s pizza for dinner since it is Melody’s favorite!

I knew the kids would want to get outside and stay outside when they had the chance. So I opted to just do “Happy Birthday” at the beginning. That way everyone could eat pizza and dessert all at the same time or whenever they really wanted. There was no pressure of waiting around until I could convince the kids to come in!

While the intentions were to be outside, I knew it would be easier for some to eat inside. So we had a kids tables set up in both places. I think inside was better for the kids because you didn’t have the distraction of all the fun things to do while they were forced to eat!

We opted to have her party at 5 pm. Usually if we have a larger crowd I prefer afternoon parties to save on the cost of food since you would need to provide dinner. But since our crowd was so small, we didn’t see a huge problem with feeding everyone. It is also dramatically cooler the later it gets. Our back yard gets shade starting after lunch, and it continues throughout the day. The weather was honestly perfect. It wasn’t scorching hot, and there was a nice breeze. We set up the bounce house we bought last year, and Melody had her swing set that she got for her birthday. We also pulled out some of her toys we usually keep under the porch to give more options. There were only 4 big kids, and they all got along great.

After about an hour or so, we let Melody unwrap her gifts. She is finally at the age she understands it and loves it!

Overall the party was a success! Melody ended up with a lot of fun presents. We got to spend time with our family and friends, FINALLY! And I loved how all of the decor came together from my ideas back in November! Keep a watch for posts all about the party going into more details of the things I did!

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