All tagged Melody starts Preschool

Back to School Gift

With this being Melody’s last year at her sweet preschool, I wanted to give her a little gift the day before starting. We bought Melody a Pottery Barn Frozen backpack and lunchbox a long while back. She asked for a backpack for her birthday, so we decided to go ahead and give her that then. So we knew we had a lunchbox to give her. And I wanted to get her a new back to school book. The last thing we ended up with was a Rainbow Rangers toy set. I happened to find this on the Walmart website, and I knew I had to have it! It just so happened this was the perfect occasion to give it to her!

Melody's First Day of Preschool

So this year is Melody’s third and final year of preschool. I remember first signing her up for preschool and crying after dropping her off for her first day. Last year was complete chaos because we had just moved, and it of course ended just as chaotically. She goes to school the morning of March 13, and we never went back except to pick up her belongings in May. This year we have high hopes on a really great year. There are some changes this year, but we are looking forward to getting back into a routine and getting Melody back to school to learn and socialize.

First Day of School

Melody started back at school last week. It was in the midst of a lot of chaos. We sold our first home and purchased our new home on a Thursday and sent her to school on Monday. While this may seem ideal, we spent Sunday night searching for last minute things we forgot to leave out for school. No fancy sign this year because I couldn’t find the chalk markers. I thought I knew where they were, and I gave up around midnight and used a piece of construction paper and sharpie instead. I found the most adorable dress from Smocked A Lot, and while she did cry when we dropped her off, I think she was super confused at all the moving and not being at her “normal” house and such. She is now perfectly fine!

Last Day of Preschool

It is so hard to believe preschool has been over for almost ONE month. I was such a nervous wreck when I sent Melody to preschool that very first day. She was so upset, I was upset, oh my! Well it was literally the best year. She ended up LOVING the school, the people, the teachers, everything. She is missing school so much already.

Last Day Before Preschool

So I was struggling with the idea of being away from Melody when she started preschool.  Even though it is only 8 hours a week, it was super hard to come to terms with.  But it was needed for her.  So on her last day before school, I decided to have a mommy and me day.

Melody starts PRESCHOOL!

We decided to enroll Melody into preschool this fall.  Since I am a stay at home mom, the doctor recommended she either start school or do a mother's morning out to help her spend more time with other kids and develop more social skills.  So we opted for a preschool we toured in the spring and loved.  It is very small, affordable, and we loved the facilities.