Last Day Before Preschool

Last Day Before Preschool


So I was struggling with the idea of being away from Melody when she started preschool.  Even though it is only 8 hours a week, it was super hard to come to terms with.  But it was needed for her.  So on her last day before school, I decided to have a mommy and me day.

I asked her what she wanted to do, and she wanted to go to the playground in our neighborhood.  So we first attempted that.  Well that didn't go super well because all the equipment was way too hot for her legs!  

So then we went shopping.  We started at TJ Maxx because I was looking for some containers for her lunch box.  I let her walk around and wonder the toys after I found what I wanted.  I ended up buying her a few things for our beach trip, and I got her a Curious George book.

Next up was Target.  We bought a decaffeinated Starbucks to share, and I let her walk around here too.  She was in heaven.

After Target we went to lunch and ice cream with Emily and Lydia.  Melody didn't eat much ice cream, but she loved getting to spend time with Lydia.  She kept asking to see them all day.

We came back home and we took naps together on the couch.


After dinner, we went back to the neighborhood playground, and it was much cooler.  And Melody had a blast!

We ended the night reading her the new Curious George book and getting extra cuddles!

Seasons Restaurant

Seasons Restaurant

JoeCon 2018

JoeCon 2018