All tagged October 2021

Leaving Disney World - October 2021

I did not mention this when writing about our time at Epcot, but we ended the night with a semi-upset child because she didn’t spend her gift card money from her Nannie. See Nannie gave all the girls a gift card since it is so rare they all go to Disney World (at the same time that is). Melody had been so torn on what to get, and she never found anything she loved. We didn’t really have time to go to the Creations Shop in Epcot at the end of our night. And Disney Springs sounded miserable that late too. So we told Melody we would go to Disney Springs when the opened. So that we did.

Magic Kingdom and Epcot - October 2021

Tuesdays always seem to be a great day to visit Magic Kingdom, so we opted to do that. We ended the night at Epcot for the food! Epcot is our go to for great food, and we always have to fit in our must-dos. We snagged a decent timed reservation for Chefs de France on this evening, so we opted to do that.

Traveling to Disney World - October 2021

Not much fun is involved on travel days to Disney World. Especially when you are driving 10-12 hours. We got up as early as we could and headed down. We had to make the trip in one day, and we needed to get down to Orlando early enough that we could go to Shades of Green to get our park tickets before the ticket office closed.

October Fun

So I have definitely been MIA the last few weeks (and basically the last two months). Things have been busy around here it seems like. And I just have not had the time to really sit down and concentrate as much as I would like to on my blog. I hope to make up for that over the next month or so. I have a lot of content planned including all about the holidays and more! But let’s wrap up October. We had a busy month with Brad being back home (for the most part). Check it out below!