All tagged Squash

Squash Casserole

So I can be a really lazy cook.  Like I hate to have to cook something, transfer it to a pan, then cook it again in the stove.  I know a lot of times this can't be avoided.  Usually when I cook something like this, I make sure all of the other dishes I am having with it are easy.  Squash casserole is an example of this.  I LOVE squash casserole.  But I really hate putting so much effort into a side dish.  I also felt like this wasn't a great dish to freeze and reheat.  So my recommendation is to make only the amount you think you will eat.  I will for sure do that next time.  This will also only be a dish I make on the weekends or "good" weeknights, ha!  Only due to my pure laziness of course.

Baked Squash

In an effort to find more ways to get vegetables in our diet, I have been trying to figure out new ways to cook them.  Melody loves anything crunchy, so I decide to bake some squash "chips".  She didn't eat them unfortunately.  But Brad and I really liked them!  My only recommendation is to cut them more evenly so that they cook more evenly!

Squash Salad

I found this recipe in one of my Family Circle magazines.  The only reason I noticed it was because I wanted to try the chicken recipe attached to it.  Then I noticed the chicken recipe also included a squash salad recipe.  Check it out below.