All tagged Summer Bucket List

Kiddie Carnival

One item on our bucket list the last two years was to attend the Kiddie Carnival in Athens. With the way our summer was going, I honestly thought we would miss out on it again this year. But we managed to find time the last weekend they were open in July. We decided to go on a Thursday in hopes the crowds would be smaller.

Summer 2022 Bucket List

Like last summer, I made a bucket list for this summer. Last summer was much more special since it was Melody’s last before starting “real” school. This year we have such a short summer, and we want to accomplish so much while enjoying all the little moments as a family. Melody’s teacher emphasized just playing this summer. Read, but play. And that we are trying to do.

Gymnastics Summer 2021

We decided to let Melody try gymnastics one more time this summer. She despised it during the summers before, but this one would be different. It was no longer a “mommy and me” style class, so we hoped this would give her more confidence with the independence. And it did! She loved it, and she has even asked to continue doing it in the fall.

Summer Bucket List

With this being the last summer before Melody starts kindergarten, I feel like I really need to make the most of it. I mean while she has been attending school for the last three years, it has only been for 2-3 days a week, 4-6 hours a day, and exceptionally flexible. Well all of the will go out the window in August. I only have 8 or so weeks with my baby before she becomes a big girl (at least in my eyes). So I wanted to really make the most of those 8 weeks. I decided to come up with a bucket list for the summer. We are already so busy (and nearly half way through the summer), so there is a chance we won’t accomplish all the things. But it at least gives me some goals.