All tagged Tater Tots

Tater Tot Pie

So many months ago, I saw this delicious looking recipe being made on the Today Show.  I used to get a lot of my recipe ideas from the Today Show.  These days I don't watch the Today Show quite as frequently.  We would watch it a lot at 9 am, but when they replaced Today's Take with Megyn Kelly Today, I stopped watching that hour altogether.  I gave it a chance, but I didn't care for the setup.  Anyhow, I decided to make this recipe after seeing it, and I really enjoyed it.  My only complaint is I didn't care for how the tater tots reheated for leftovers.  I think this is a great dish to serve to a larger family or gathering.  Brad ate the leftovers without complaint though.

Cauliflower Tater Tots

So I was trying to find a way to get Melody to eat vegetables.  That is truly a struggle of mine.  She loves french fries, tater tots, and any other form of potato.  I decided to try and make a fake tater tot.  I saw on the Today Show where people use cauliflower a lot, so I decided to give it a go.  I found an easy recipe online and attempted it.  Of course, Melody didn't fall for it.  She did eat one, but no more.  Brad said it tasted like real tater tots to him.  I however didn't care for it.  Normally I wouldn't share recipes I didn't care for, but since Brad liked it, I decided to share it anyway.