Easter Weekend 2020
As I mentioned on Easter, it is a different one this year. We made the best of the entire weekend though. We spent a lot of time outside on Saturday since it was supposed to be stormy and rainy on Sunday. We ended up cooking a nice lunch and spending the day hunting eggs, watching church, and FaceTiming family!
We spent Saturday morning working in our flower beds spreading mulch while Melody played with her lawnmower and cozy coupe.
After lunch, we decided to set up the bouncy house (she has been asking us to set it up for months!), and she played outside for a few hours. I think she really enjoyed getting to finally bounce out all of her energy too!
After dinner we dyed eggs! Melody seemed to really enjoy the decorating process too! We were all sure to dye some.
Despite the weather and social distancing, the Easter Bunny still visited our house! He left her Easter basket, and also nearly two dozen eggs hidden around our living room. The first thing after she woke she saw the eggs and ran to tell us how the living room was covered in eggs EVERYWHERE, haha. She went through all of her goodies in her basket then hunted for her eggs. All the eggs were stuffed with M&Ms except one. It had a small Ryder from Paw Patrol in it.
We then ate breakfast, got dressed up, and watched our church service on the TV. Then before we destroyed our clothes, we went outside while in between rain clouds and took some cute pictures with my camera and tripod. I loved how they all turned out.
Then I spent a good hour and a half cooking lunch. It all somehow magically ended up ready at the same time, and it was all delicious! It was a lot of food for just the three of us (really two since Melody wouldn’t eat any), but we had lots of leftovers we froze!
For dessert we ordered a cheesecake from Edgar’s! It was super yummy, and we were stuffed! I didn’t even eat at real dinner we were so full!
As I mentioned above, we FaceTimed and Zoomed all of our family too!
Overall it was a different but really fun Easter!