Pandemic Legacy Season Two March

Pandemic Legacy Season Two March

Pandemic Legacy Season Two March.jpg

Now that we won February, we were able to move on to March. We had another perimeter report card to read first. Since we had not opened package 67 yet, we scratched the box. It basically just encouraged us where to focus on reckoning first. We scratched the second box to just be nosey, ha!


Continuing on, we received 2 new objectives. These objectives are not mandatory but other options to accomplish our objective goal for March.

We received a new journal entry and an update from the archives to give us more backstory.

Below are the 6 rationed event cards we picked.

And below is our board after we infected it.


And below is how the game played out:

  • Brittany went first

  • Brad searched Chicago

  • Justin - Epidemic: Tripoli

  • Emily used System-Wide Produce Supplies (destroys card); Line from Jacksonville to Atlanta; London plagued

  • Brittany - Tripoli plagued

  • Brad - Epidemic: Cairo; Cairo and Tripoli plagued

  • Justin - London plagued

  • Brad - Built a supply center in Denver

  • Justin - Built a supply center in Sao Paulo

  • Emily - Epidemic: Lagos; Used Forecast

  • Brittany - Produce All; Searched LA by sea

  • Brad - Used Airlift

  • Justin - Character was exposed and was blank!

  • Brittany - Built a supply center in Chicago; Istanbul plagued


  • Brad - System-Wide Produced Supplies (kept because there were multiple boxes on the card); Epidemic: Chicago; Used One Quiet Night

  • Brittany - Recon Sao Paulo; We won!

So we opted to continue after “winning” because we knew we had the cards to recon. It was a risk, but we felt pretty confident. Below you can see our final board along with our completed objectives.

Now we have a lot of doors to open. Some doors we have already opened.

We received a new recon report and another unrationed event card. This time we get to keep the card.

We now have a new action called “chart sea lane”. The allows us to connect two cities via the sea.

And we also received new scars.


We also received new epidemic rules. You can see those below. Now as you add more cities, you will eventually add more epidemics too.


Below are the impacts that the plague cubes and supply centers had.

  • Denver +1 (3)

  • Chicago +1 (4)

  • London -1 (1)

  • Istanbul -1 (0)

  • Tripoli -1 (2)

  • Sao Paulo +1 (2)

With our production units we added new abilities for two characters: Anakin - Facilitator; Ackbar: Helmsman

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