BBQ Meatballs
BBQ Meatballs have turned out to be one of our favorite recipes, but it does take a bit of commitment of your time to make! My friend at Cupcakes and Commentary actually cooked this for Brad and I one night and shared the recipe from The Pioneer Woman. My recipe is identical to The Pioneer Woman's except I have converted this recipe to use 2 pounds of meat rather than the 1.5 pounds she uses. Happy Cooking!
- 2 pounds of ground beef
- 1 cup of oats
- 1 1/3 cup of milk
- 9-11 tablespoons of chopped onion
- 2 teaspoons of salt
- Black pepper (to taste)
- All-purpose flour
- Canola oil
- 1 1/3 cup of ketchup
- 2 1/2 tablespoons of sugar
- 4 tablespoons of vinegar
- 2 1/2 tablespoons of worcestershire
- 2 dashes of tabasco
Step One - Preheat Oven to 350 degrees
Step Two - Combine the following ingredients:
- Ground Beef
- Oats
- Milk
- 4 tablespoons of onion
- Salt
- Black pepper (to taste)
Don't panic...these are not my hands!!
Step Three - Roll into small balls and place on a cookie sheet; Place in freezer for 5 minutes (make sure to clear space in your freezer for your cookie sheet!)
Step Four - Heat canola oil in a skillet over medium-high heat; there should be enough oil to cover the bottom of the pan
Step Five - Take each meatball and cover in all-purpose flour; immediately place in skillet and brown on all sides. The meatballs do not have to be fully cooked, just brown on the outside.
Step Six - Once brown, place in baking dish; I covered the baking dish in non-stick spray beforehand
Step Seven - Mix sauce ingredients in a medium bowl:
- Ketchup
- Sugar
- Vinegar
- Worcestershire
- 5-7 tablespoons of onion
- Tabasco
Step Eight - Pour sauce over the meatballs; bake for 45 minutes
This recipe makes enough for us about four meals. So you could always cut this in half, but since we love to FoodSaver, more is better for us!