Our Netflix Shows During Summer TV Break

Our Netflix Shows During Summer TV Break

During the summer there tends to be nothing on TV.  Sometimes this can be nice, but some nights can be pretty boring with nothing to watch.  Below are a few of the shows we are watching on Netflix this summer:

1. Orange is the New Black - Season 3 premiered back in June of the infamous OSTNB.  This show is a fairly quick watch since there are only 13 episodes a season.  I think this season was actually the best season.  We finished it in about two weeks.  It is pretty risqué and not for everyone.  It is by far not family friendly.  It chronicles the life of a wealthy girl you gets sentence to prison for fifteen months for drug trafficking.  

2. Scandal - We are only a few episodes into Scandal, but it proving to be a pretty interesting show.  I love shows that have an overarching issue, but each week is also a separate mystery being solved.  The only problem with this is that you can't really come in mid-season with a show like that.  This show is about a lady you left the White House to start her own crisis management firm.

3. Friday Night Lights - FNL is another show that I am only a few episodes into.  Brad isn't watching this one with me.  I find this interesting only because of my background at a small school and a cheerleader.  I love football movies and shows, so it only makes sense that this show will be one of those I love too.

4. Parks and Recreation - I just started this series by recommendation of my sister-in-law.  So far it proves to be pretty funny.  Since the episodes are only 20 minutes long, I feel like it moves so quickly and I can fit a few episodes in a night.  It is very similar to The Office in its filming style and dry humor.  

5. Melrose Place 2.0 - Unfortunately Melrose Place 2.0 was only one season long.  It is good if you want to get through a show quickly, but the season ended with a cliffhanger, and now we will never know what happened!  I love young adult dramas like this one, and so I was pretty sad when it ended.  I actually watched it when it aired originally, and when I saw it on Netflix, I knew I wanted to re-watch it.

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