Happy (Late) Birthday Brad!

Happy (Late) Birthday Brad!


Brad's birthday was Tuesday, August 30th!  He took off work and spent the day with Melody and me.

When Melody woke up around 8, I put her in the onesie I made her for her daddy's birthday!

I made him Mickey Waffles...per his request (recipe to come later!).


Melody played with her new toy in her high chair...how is she getting so big?!?

Melody put her paci back in her month all by herself while we were at lunch.  We don't have any documented proof, but I swear, it happened!  She hung out with us while we went shopping to spend daddy's birthday money..shopping is a rough job!

We watched some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while standing up!

We had sushi for dinner, and Melody was pretty jealous.

We sung happy birthday to daddy and had cake with ice cream.


And we crashed...

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Baby Items I Didn't Realize I Needed

Baby Items I Didn't Realize I Needed

Melody's Two Month Schedule

Melody's Two Month Schedule