What to Wear to Disney World in January

What to Wear to Disney World in January

Winter is my favorite time of year to go to Disney World.  I especially love going in January.  My mom and I go almost every year for my birthday, and the crowds are extremely low.  You do have to be careful if you go on the weekends, however.  There are cheer competitions going on most weekends in January, but during the week is perfect crowds.  Some rides are usually closed, but you will honestly find a ride or two closed during all parts of the year.  Beyond the low crowds, I love the weather.  It is rarely too hot or too cold.  However, it can be difficult to dress.  The reason is because it starts off chilly in the morning, warms up in the afternoon, and gets chilly again.  Below are my tips and suggestions for what to wear in January (or general winter time):

For guys, I suggest blue jeans and polo shirts if you want semi-dressy or t-shirts if you are going for casual.  We prefer semi-dressy because we like to eat at nicer restaurants, but we've actually worn t-shirts to nicer restaurants too.  Just be sure and check out the dress code at the restaurants before arriving!  Also, be sure and bring a jacket of some sort.  I suggest something light weight to make it easier for storage purposes in the middle of the day when it warms up.

For women, I suggest multiple options.  I like my legs covered this time of year, so for bottoms either blue jeans or leggings.  For tops, I suggest short sleeves and for you to bring a light weight cardigan.  The cardigan will provide nice warmth during the morning and evening hours, but you can easily wrap it around your waist or store in a bag during the warmer afternoon hours.  There are times that I know I won't be out during the day for some reason (maybe we are going for just the evening to a park or we don't get to town until later in the day), and on those days I may pack a long sleeve shirt.  The same can be said if I plan to only be at the parks during the afternoon.  I may just wear short sleeves or even a dress if I know I won't be there when it is chilly.  

You will always want to check the weather though before traveling.  We have had trips where it was so cold, we bought sweatshirts to wear in the MIDDLE of the day.  So I now ALWAYS pack a sweatshirt.  I may never wear it or take it to the parks, but at least I know it's in the room if it is needed or the weather forecast changes on us.  

Below are a few pictures from outfits and visits to Disney World in January (and even a few pictures from our visit in December):

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