0-4 Month Toys

0-4 Month Toys

So I find 0-4 months to be a boring age for toys.  I struggle to find fun things that Melody also enjoys.  I also hate to buy a bunch of toys that we will never use.  With that said, I decided to create a list of Melody's favorite toys right now.  Granted she is only 3.5 months old, these are still toys she has enjoyed since she was a mere few weeks old.

1. Fisher-Price Kick 'n Play Piano Gym - Melody has used this gym since the first week or so.  She has constantly loved moving her legs, so we decided to just set it up one day and see her response.  It turns out she loved it.  She loved it so much, we always travel with it.  She will literally spend hours on it a day.  This piano gym is great because it will grow with your child.  At this age, Melody can use it for tummy time and to lay and play.  As she gets older and can sit up, she can sit and play with it.  Lastly, when she gets even older, she can carry it along with her.  The only recommendation I have if you were to purchase this would be to replace the purple hippo with another noise making toy.  The purple hippo literally does nothing for Melody.  You can check out some of the pictures below of her playing it (and the hippo replacement).

2. A Suction Cup Tray Toy [We use VTech Lil' Critters Spin & Discover Ferris Wheel] - When Melody was around 3 months old, we started putting her in the high chair when we would eat dinner.  This would allow her to be right beside us if she got upset.  She loves sitting up like a big girl.  Well we noticed she would get bored, and so many of her toys would fall off her high chair.  One day while out shopping, we stumbled across this ferris wheel.  I loved it because it would suction itself to the high chair.  So when she hits it, it doesn't fall off.  It does say 6 months on it, but we have found that she still enjoyed it as early as 3 months old.  She will sometimes spin the wheel herself, but we have to help her out most of the time!

3. Hand Puppet [We have a Minnie Mouse hand puppet that we received at a baby shower.] - Again, we received this puppet at my baby shower that Brad's family hosted.  We are huge Disney fans, in case you were unaware, so it is only natural our daughter will love Disney.  And boy does she!  She will giggle at Mickey Mouse Clubhouse whenever it is on.  Early on, we introduce the puppet.  She doesn't play with it herself, but when we entertain her with it, she calms down immediately.  

4. Tummy Time Pillow/Toy - We use her Boppy Pillow and the Fisher-Price Little SnugaMonkey during Melody's tummy time.  Again, the piano can help with tummy time too, but she doesn't have room to learn to roll over on it, so I wanted something else.  During tummy time, I alternate between Melody laying flat on a blanket and her laying on the boppy pillow.  I waited until she was around 2 months to bring the boppy pillow to tummy time since it is so large.  You can also find other smaller pillows that can be used earlier on.  One day while at Target, I found the SungaMonkey on clearance and decided to get it.  I hoped it would help make Melody happy during tummy time.  Brad absolutely hate it.  It is motion activated, and so if you forget to turn it off, expect to get startled when you walk by it!  Melody does use it some.  She doesn't love the noise, but she will stare at the mirror.  I think anything that can make tummy time easier is worth the try (even if it is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on your iPad Mini!)

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