Melody's Three Month (Transitional) Schedule

Melody's Three Month (Transitional) Schedule

So for about 2 or 3 weeks, we decided to slowly get rid of one of Melody's bottles.  She was taking six bottles on her two month schedule, but one of those bottles, she barely would take an ounce or two (11 a.m.).  We took this as a sign that she needed to be reduced down to five bottles.  We did this by increasing the amounts of those new five bottles.  We call this a transitional schedule because when she was 3.5 months old, we went down to four bottles!  I will write about that later though!

Workday Schedule

  • 5:00 a.m. - Brad feeds and changes Melody, and then he puts her back to bed.  He gets ready and goes to work.  I sleep through this feeding.
  • 9:00 a.m. (sometimes will even wait until 10:00 a.m.) - I feed and change Melody.  This is the time that I put on her daytime clothes.  She will usually nap for about an hour or two during this time.  When she naps, I will take a shower if I didn't get up earlier and take one.  I usually do a chore during this time as well.
  • 1:00 p.m. (sometimes will even wait until 2:00 p.m.) - I feed and change Melody.  Again, she will usually nap for about an hour or two during this time.  A lot of times I will take a nap during this time for 30-45 minutes or do a special chore around the house.
  • 5:00 p.m. - If Brad gets home in time, he will feed her.  Otherwise, I will.  After her feeding, we will change her and put her in her pajamas.  We find this works best for her because she wakes up when we change her.  By doing this, she goes to sleep easier at her next feeding.  We cook and eat dinner during this time.  Melody either naps or we put her in a swing/bouncer.  At this time, we clean up dinner and do a cleaning of bottles and prep the next 24 hours worth of bottles.  We then try and get an hour of TV in.
  • 9:00 p.m. - Brad typically feeds and changes Melody.  Then we take turns reading her a book after her feeding.  One trick is that we change her diaper mid-feeding.  She usually starts to fall asleep as we burp her, so this helps her sleep better.  After her bedtime story, we put her to sleep in her rock and play.  Then we get ready for bed and go to sleep too.

Weekend Schedule

  • 5:00 a.m. - Brad feeds and changes Melody.  Then they both go back to sleep.  I sleep through this feeding.
  • 9:00 a.m. (sometimes will even wait until 10:00 a.m.) - I get up and feed and change Melody.  I then put Melody in her day time clothes and put her down for a nap.  Brad and I eat breakfast, then we try to get in a shower at this time.  We usually squeeze in lunch before she feeds again as well.
  • 1:00 p.m. (sometimes will even wait until 2:00 p.m.) - One of us will feed and change Melody.  We may run errands or do a chore..
  • 5:00 p.m. - One of us will feed and change Melody.  Then we eat dinner while Melody naps.  We try to get in any TV at this time.  We also prep bottles for the next 24 hours and clean the bottles from the day.
  • 9:00 p.m. - Brad typically feeds and changes Melody.  Then we take turns reading her a book after her feeding.  One trick is that we change her mid-feeding.  She usually starts to fall asleep as we burp her, so this helps her sleep better.  After her bedtime story, we put her to sleep in her rock and play.  Then we get ready for bed and go to sleep too.

The weekends are a little more relaxed.  We still will stick to the feeding times, but we may go to sleep a little later or eat at different times.  We also may run errands and get out of the house some.


  • Monday - Laundry, Floors
  • Tuesday - Dust
  • Wednesday - Bathrooms
  • Thursday - Laundry, Weekly Grocery Planning
  • Friday - Special Chores (i.e. Change Sheets, Sanitize Bottles, Order Groceries, etc.)

Again, the main goal with these few weeks were to slowly get her to four bottles a day and sleeping 10 hours.  So this is truly a transitional schedule.  I will write about our final three month schedule soon.

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