All tagged Schedule

Melody's Nighttime Routine

I haven’t written about Melody’s schedule in quite a long time. I feel like things haven’t changed too much, and yet it has changed so much, ha! Well I thought I would at least share our nighttime routine. I may share her daily routine soon.

Melody's Twelve Month Schedule

Melody's twelve month schedule isn't very different from her eleven month schedule.  I suspect this will be her schedule for awhile.  Melody is still taking a bottle, and we plan to transition her from the bottle to a sippy cup at around 14 months old.  We want to transition her to all milk first and not make a bunch of changes all at once.  When we do that, we will probably try and transition out the nighttime bottle.  Our pediatrician recommend this be completed by 15 months, so we will see how that goes!  We are also attempting to transition to one nap a day, but each day is different on what Melody wants.  So I will note the naps below too!  I probably won't update her schedule monthly anymore now that she is officially a toddler.  I will probably just post about the changes as they occur!

Melody's Eleven Month Schedule

Melody's schedule has been extremely crazy over the last month.  We have done a LOT of transitioning I feel like.  Two big things happened.  One, around 11.5 months, we started the new schedule below.  We reduced our bottle count to only 3 bottles!  If you want to view the schedule for the first half of the month, it did not change from her 10 month schedule.  Two, naps are in limbo.  A lot of days in the last week of the month, she started only taking one nap a day.  Most of the time it was a complete accident.  Like we were out shopping during the morning, so she didn't really nap.  So she passed out after her lunch around 1 and would wake up for her bottle at 3.  The schedule below is going to be based on where she was at 11.5 months though...3 bottles, 2 naps!

Melody's Nine Month Schedule

How in the world do I have an almost TEN month old!?  People always tell you time flies after you have kids, but I honestly don't think you fully understand how true this statement is until you have kids in your life.  Sometimes we get to the end of a day, and I am wondering where the day truly went.  It is so crazy how this happens.  So with that, how about her nine month schedule?  Well very, very little has changed.  We have started increasing her solids with the hopes of decreasing her formula.  We have also started feeding her more table food and 3rd foods from the baby food aisle.  Other than that, very little changed from her eight month schedule.  

Melody's Seven Month Schedule

So we saw a pretty big change from Melody in her 6 and 7 month schedules.  The big thing is with her solids.  She is still taking 4 bottles a day, but now she is eating solids 3 times a day.  We debated for quite a while on how to time those 3 solids.  When we were doing two solids a day, we would feed her between bottles.  However, I talked with my best friend to see what she was doing.  She was grouping two solids with bottles, and one solid between bottles.  Her logic made sense.  When we start removing the bottles, we don't want to have to also try and have her adjust to a new schedule too.  So below is what we came up with.  Oh, and her naps are more regular now too.  We started nap training at 6.5 months, so that has helped with my time during the day.

Melody's Six Month Schedule

I know this sounds like the same old song, but we haven't changed Melody's schedule a whole lot at 6 months.  She is taking solids much better these days, but we don't intend on much changing until 7 months when we add an additional feeding and attempt nap training (wish us luck).  However, you can check out the schedule below of what's going on with Melody at 6 months!

Melody's Five Month Schedule

So Melody's schedule only changed slights from her four month schedule.  When she was around 4 1/2 months old, we introduced her to solids.  So now we have two feedings of solids a day.  Our pediatrician recommended one feeding of solids at first, then after about 2 weeks, we added the second feeding.  I will admit, Melody didn't take to solids very well.  So we actually took a break for about 2 weeks, then picked back up at 6 months.  The goal is just to get Melody used to a spoon and eating.  We haven't changed her bottle size either.  I have updated everything we changed below.  

Melody's Four Month Schedule

When Melody was 3.5 months old, we removed one more of her bottles.  She is now taking only four bottles a day.  We are still getting our pediatricians recommended amount of formula, but Melody is going longer between bottles and taking larger bottles.  The schedule isn't dramatically different from her three month schedule, but we had to change the times up in order to remove a bottle.  

Melody's Three Month (Transitional) Schedule

So for about 2 or 3 weeks, we decided to slowly get rid of one of Melody's bottles.  She was taking six bottles on her two month schedule, but one of those bottles, she barely would take an ounce or two (11 a.m.).  We took this as a sign that she needed to be reduced down to five bottles.  We did this by increasing the amounts of those new five bottles.  We call this a transitional schedule because when she was 3.5 months old, we went down to four bottles!  I will write about that later though!

Melody's Two Month Schedule

When Melody was around two month's old, we decided to let her attempt sleeping through the night.  My best friend had just started attempting it with her two month old, and we were basically having to wake Melody up for her 2 a.m. feeding.  Her schedule did not change at all from her one month schedule except we removed the 2 a.m. feeding.  When we first started this transition, Melody would start stirring between 2 and 3 a.m.  I would give her her pacifier and see if that would put her back to sleep.  If it did, I would also go back to sleep.  If it did not work, I would get up and give her a bottle.  It took about a week or two, but eventually she started just sleeping through that time frame altogether.  Now she will not start stirring until around 4:30 at earliest.  Below is the schedule:

Melody's One Month Schedule

Our pediatrician gave us the green light to remove one of Melody's feedings when she turned one month old.  She said we could now go 4 hours between our nighttime feedings.  It is very similar to the newborn schedule except we eliminated one nighttime feeding.  I also stopped pumping/breastfeeding after she was 5-6 weeks old, so I am not including the pumping in my schedule.  If you look at her newborn schedule, you can kind of figure out where I would have pumped.  See below:

Melody's Newborn Schedule

After Melody was born, our pediatrician put us on a 3 hour feeding schedule.  It took us a few days to find a schedule and rhythm that worked for us.  We wanted a schedule that would provide us with some sleep, but also work with us once Brad went back to work.  The first week at home, I pumped, and we supplemented with formula.  After I built up a day's worth of breastmilk, we went exclusively breastmilk and no formula.  This schedule was especially rough on me because I was pumping almost every feeding, but we eventually got into such a good routine that it really wasn't too bad.  Check it out below: