Melody's Eight Month Schedule

Melody's Eight Month Schedule

We did not have a big change for Melody's eight month schedule.  She is starting to become more consistent with napping times, but other than that, a lot hasn't changed.

Workday Schedule

7:30 a.m. - Melody has been consistently waking up between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. most mornings.  After she wakes up, I will change her diaper and let her play in her jumper while watching Mickey Mouse.  Most mornings, I will do a chore or two of some sort during this time.  Usually it is something in the kitchen [unloading dishwasher; washing bottles; prepping meals; etc.].

9:00 a.m. - I feed Melody her first bottle.  While she takes her bottle, we watch the Today Show.  After her bottle, we then start her first round of solids.  In the mornings I either do rice cereal or oatmeal.  She is one of those babies that loves both cereal and oatmeal.  She doesn't take a huge amount, but she will usually finish what I give her which is about 1 tablespoon of cereal/oatmeal to 1.5 ounces of formula.  After she eats, she will usually just hang out in her highchair and play with her toys long enough for me to eat breakfast.

10:00 a.m. - I will put Melody down for a nap the moment she shows any signs of sleepiness [rubbing her eyes, general fussiness, etc.].  It isn't always at this time, but it is within 15 minutes of it.  She will usually nap around 45 minutes.  I will usually try and shower during this time. 

11:00 a.m. - Melody usually gets up around 11 a.m.  I let her sit in her crib for about 10-15 minutes after she initially wakes up because sometimes she will put herself back to sleep.  I will change her diaper and clothes, then she will play.  Where she plays depends on what we are doing.  But either way, she will play for the next two hours or so.  

1:00 p.m. - I feed Melody her second bottle.  After her bottle, it is time for her second round of solids.  I will feed her half a container of baby food.  It is usually something new since it is only half a container.  After she finishes, she will usually sit in her high chair and play long enough from me to eat lunch.

2:15 P.M. - Melody will usually nap at this time.  Again, I put her down for her nap when she shows signs of sleepiness.  Even if I am mid-lunch, I get up and lay her down.  This nap length varies.  We have some days she only naps 45 minutes, and there are some days she will nap 90 minutes.  On average, she naps about an hour, however.  

3:15 P.M. - Melody usually gets up from her nap around 3:15 - 3:30 p.m.  I will change her diaper and then we are back playing.  

5:00 p.m. - I feed Melody her third bottle.  We usually watch Gilmore Girls while feeding her this bottle.  Brad gets home not long after this bottle has started.  We then start dinner and eat.  If we are lucky, we might get some TV in too.  

5:45 p.m. - Melody has started taking a small nap after her bottle at 5:00 p.m.  This is really nice because we are usually eating dinner at this time, and we can do so in peace.  She usually naps for about 45 minutes or so.

7:00 p.m. - Now it's time for Melody's last round of solids.  We have started feeding her the entire container of baby food during this feeding.  So we try and feed her something we know she will eat based on past experience.  She is more likely to eat it all that way.  If it is bath night, we give her a bath directly afterwards.  Otherwise, it is into the living room for playtime and TV time.

9:00 p.m. - Brad will feed Melody her last bottle.  While he feeds her, I will usually prep things for the next day.  I like to lay out her clothes and prep my diaper bag.  Brad will change her diaper, attach her snuza, then we will sleep sack her.  Most nights we will read her a book, then we put her to bed.  She is still in a pack and play in our bedroom, so we will let her fall asleep before going to bed ourselves.

Weekend Schedule

So the weekend schedule is practically the same.  We don't do quite as many, if any, chores, and we do adjust little things if we are going out for dinner or shopping at any point.  

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February 2017 Disney World Trip Report Part One

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