Melody's Twelve Month Schedule

Melody's Twelve Month Schedule


Melody's twelve month schedule isn't very different from her eleven month schedule.  I suspect this will be her schedule for awhile.  Melody is still taking a bottle, and we plan to transition her from the bottle to a sippy cup at around 14 months old.  We want to transition her to all milk first and not make a bunch of changes all at once.  When we do that, we will probably try and transition out the nighttime bottle.  Our pediatrician recommend this be completed by 15 months, so we will see how that goes!  We are also attempting to transition to one nap a day, but each day is different on what Melody wants.  So I will note the naps below too!  I probably won't update her schedule monthly anymore now that she is officially a toddler.  I will probably just post about the changes as they occur!

Workday Schedule

7:30 a.m. - Melody has been consistently waking up between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. most mornings.  After she wakes up, I will change her diaper and let her play in the living room floor while watching Mickey Mouse.  Most mornings, I will do a chore or two of some sort during this time.  Usually it is something in the kitchen [unloading dishwasher; washing bottles; prepping meals; etc.].

9:00 a.m. - I feed Melody her first bottle.  While she takes her bottle, we watch Let's Make a Deal (and we flip to the Today Show during commercials).  After her bottle, I either do oatmeal if we are at home.  Sometimes when we travel or we are out during her morning bottle, we will feed her whatever we are having for breakfast or yogurt.  After she eats, she will usually just hang out in her highchair and play with her toys long enough for me to eat breakfast.  After I finish breakfast, we both go to the living room and play until she is ready to nap (or ready for lunch [one nap a day]).

11:30 a.m. [two nap days] - I will put Melody down for a nap the moment she shows any signs of sleepiness [rubbing her eyes, general fussiness, etc.].  It isn't always at this time, but it is within 15 minutes of it.  She will usually nap around an hour.  I will usually try and shower during this time.

12:30 p.m. - Melody usually gets up around this time.  I let her sit in her crib for about 10-15 minutes after she initially wakes up because sometimes she will put herself back to sleep.  I will change her diaper, then I will put her in her highchair for lunch.  Now that we are on full solids, lunch varies.  If I am eating something she will eat, I will feed her some of that.  Otherwise it may be yogurt and/or applesauce packets.  Then I will follow that up with goldfish or puffs.  Then if she is still hungry, I may give her a cookie or some other treat.  I will also put some water in a sippy cup for her (we finally found sippy cups she loves!).  I will try and sneak in a lunch too.  Once she is finished, I will clean her up and change her clothes.  Then we play outside or in her room.  Sometimes we will play in whatever room I need to be in for the chores I need to accomplish.

1:00 p.m. [one nap days] - Once she finishes lunch, I will put her down to nap.  This nap will usually last until her snack/bottle at 3, if I am lucky!

3:00 p.m. - I give Melody her bottle and a snack.  It is usually a cup of puffs or goldfish for now.

3:30 p.m. [two nap days] - Melody will usually nap at this time or as soon as she finishes her bottle.  She will usually nap about an hour or so.

4:30 p.m.. - Melody usually gets up from her nap.  I will change her diaper and then we are back playing.  

6:00 p.m. - Melody eats dinner with us around this time.  I try and feed her whatever we are eating with some goldfish and cookies.  If we are not eating anything she can have, we will give her yogurt or a food pouch.

7:00 p.m. - If it is bath night, we give her a bath.  Otherwise, it is into the living room for playtime and TV time.

9:00 p.m. - Brad will feed Melody her last bottle.  While he feeds her, I will usually prep things for the next day.  I like to lay out her clothes and prep my diaper bag.  Brad will change her diaper, then we will sleep sack her.  Most nights we will read her a book, then we put her to bed.  She is now in her crib in her own room.

Weekend Schedule

So the weekend schedule is practically the same.  We don't do quite as many, if any, chores, and we do adjust little things if we are going out for dinner or shopping at any point.  


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